The Conduit Wiki

"Colares was more successful than Rosswell" can be seen on a wall.

Hidden Messages are secrets found using the ASE throughout levels (with the exception of the second and last levels). It is unknown who wrote the messages (presumably the Drudge due to it being in the Drudge alphabet). They are meant to heighten the sense of conspiracy and mystery. Many messages have a reference to some not well known government organizations and UFO places.

Some examples are:

  • "You are not paranoid! You are right!"
  • "Colares was more successful than Roswell..." This is a reference to Colares in which the victims reported having burns where they had a light from a UFO shone on them

List of messages

Here is a list of the messages and where to find them:[1]

Mission 1 - Threshold

1: "Colares was more successful than Roswell"

2: "The lesser forms will bow before the Annunaki!"

Mission 2 - Contagion (no hidden messages)

Mission 3 - Enemy

1: "There ought to be limits to freedom..."

2: "Where is Virginia Dare?"

3: "The union of Ellinor and Ananias Dare was the catalyst!!"

4: "Virginia Dare was the first Puppet of our Master!"

5: "Puppet error caused Roswell and Shag Harbor!"

6: "Operation Saucer lulled the sheep back to sleep!"

7: "Is not an alien force already among us?"

Mission 4 - Trust

1: "MDCCLXXVI" - in roman numerals this is 1776.

2: "Under the terms of the treaty the Shugurra was returned!"

3: "The Condon Committee was ours!"

4: "Fight and die for the NWO."

5: "Humans should fear the world they call Eris."

6: "The Ducaz came before the Drudge."

Mission 5 - Gridlock

1: "Weep for long lost Nibiru!"

2: "And from the Cat's Eye Nebula they came forth"

3: "Ad astra per aspera"

4: "XXIII" - the number 23.

5: "Darkness seems scarcely different from light..."

6: "You are not paranoid - you are right!"

7: "People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders!"

Mission 6 - Invasion

1: "Novus ordo seclorum"

2: "The sacrilege of BayanKara-Ula will not be forgotten"

3: "The Dropa came down from the clouds..."

4: "XLII" - 42, a number popular with fans of Douglas Adams' novel 'The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy' as the failed answer to life.

5: "We must join with the others to bring forth a new world order"

6: "The Attas shall pay for our exile and imprisonment"

7: "Final destiny of the gods"

Mission 7 - Homeland

1: "Sapere aude"

2: "Every valuable commodity fades before Vrill"

3: "Ducaz are but one of the many servants"

4: "Who now watches over the Atu-Waa"

5: "Our masters feed on the gnosis of the lesser beings!!"

6: "I have seen the fnords!"

7: "Annuit coeptis"

Mission 8 - Checkmate

1: "MMXII"

2: "Death to the Attas"

3: "Bellum omnium contra omnes"

4: "Enlil was victorious at the place humans call Kecksburg!"

5: "CVIII"

6: "The world is in a constant conspiracy against the brave."

Mission 9 - Closure (no hidden messages)

