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Michael Ford





Previously: United States Secret Service

Mission(s) present in

All missions




Previously: Washington D.C.
Currently: Unknown


"I am probably the only one left that knows the truth. I know, because I was there."

Michael Ford is the protagonist and character you control in The Conduit and Conduit 2. He is a former Secret Service agent that was recruited by the mysterious secret organization known as The Trust, after he saved President Charles Thompson from an assassination attempt.[1]


Agent Michael Ford worked as part of the United States Secret Service, protecting people in office, such as the President, before being recruited into The Trust organization. High Voltage Software Producer Josh Olson described Ford as, "Clean cut, has a square jaw, and doesn't drink or smoke. He's idealistic and follows orders. He believes in honor, duty, service to country."[2]


On March 1, 2012, after saving President Charles Thompson from an assassination attempt and being greatly impressed by Fords work during the Aero-Evac Incident, Ford was then recruited by Trust Commander John Adams to the organization known as The Trust. With permission from President Thompson, Adams had sent him on a crucial mission to track down a supposed terrorist named Prometheus, and retrieve the valuable stolen experimental prototype device taken from a classified research facility.[1]

As a new recruit to The Trust organization, Fords first mission was detailed in the capture of Prometheus dead or alive and to retrieve a stolen experimental prototype device that was from the a classified research facility. The mission was personally assigned by John Adams with details regarding the mission followed by the current location of Prometheus. All available Trust Field Agents and U.S. Army Special Forces soldiers were to be aiding Ford during this mission and with all civilians clear of the location. Prometheus and his men were heading to Reagan National Airport in an attempt to escape from the classified research facility. Field agents and available military forces were to be waiting at the airport for Ford's arrival, but instead, upon Ford entering the complex, he was ambushed by said allies. Surprised by the attack, John Adams ordered Ford that they must be eliminated and noted how Prometheus was able to turn all allies against Ford. As Ford made his way through the airport he encounters many Field Agents and Army Special Forces along with containers emmitting a strange orange gas. Guided by Adams, he is told to go down to the underground subway terminal. As Ford makes it onto the train, passing by each carriage, Ford comes across both Military Forces and Prometheus' men. Making it to the last carriage, Ford is met by one of Prometheus' men who in a suicide attempt detonates a group of Trust power Cells which caused an explosion, destroying the train. Fortunately Ford survived the explosion and retrieved the stolen prototype device from the debris. It is revealed by Adams that the experimental prototype device is known as the All-Seeing Eye, a universal cipher. Adams had also noted that it appeared that Prometheus was not aboard on the train which lead Ford to his next assignment.

Due to the previous mission Adam's had decided to send Ford in solo for his next assignment. His next mission details infiltrating Prometheus' based in Bunker 13, an abandoned military complex beneath Washington D.C. and to download all the data from the computers inside the complex. During this mission the visor given to Ford in the previous mission, is linked directly to President Thompson for viewing. As Ford makes his way through the underground bunker, he comes across many U.S. Army Special Forces soldiers who attack him. Upon making it to the computers and downloading the data, Adams notes that the information from the data reveals that Prometheus had developed a special type of Neuro-Toxin which allowed him to turn Adams men into his puppets. According to the information downloaded, active containers of the Neuro-Toxin were to be located in the second floor infirmary of Bunker 13. Upon making his way to the infirmary, Ford discovers alien life-forms called Drones who were guarding the Neuro-Toxin along with the discovery of portals that they came out from, named Conduits. After the Neuro-Toxin is destroyed, it is revealed by Adams that some of it is missing and that Bunker 13 has access to the water filtration plant. In an attempt to stop the leak of Neuro-Toxin into the general water supply, Ford enters the water filtration area and destroys the steam valves causing the system to overload. After doing so, Ford makes his escape and comes out near the Jefferson Memorial where Ford is congratulated by Adams and then betrayed to die by the hands of the alien invasion.

Prometheus contacted Ford, and told him that the Drudge weren't working for him. He then sent a helicopter to get Ford out of there. Next, Michael is sent to the library of congress to eliminate a large Drudge hive. After he did so, he went to the White House to protect The President from a Drudge attack. In the end, the President escaped in Marine One thanks to Michael. The President, after mistaking Ford for a Trust agent, thought that The Trust could take care of the alien invasion, so he gave John Adams full executive power of the United States. Afterwards, Michael headed to The Pentagon to retrieve the country's defense codes before the Drudge could. After succesfuly retrieving the codes and killing the first Invader, he headed to Georgetown, Washington, D.C. where Prometheus had narrowed down the location of The Drudge staging area. Michael than found the staging area, a large conduit. After killing all the Drudge forces in the area, Michael entered. He was then teleported to The Trust Base.

Later in the mission, deep in The Trust Base, it was revealed that Prometheus was in fact an alien whose DNA Adams was using to create all the Drudge. Michael found Prometheus' body in stasis. Prometheus than told Michael to destroy his body, which he did. Although Prometheus' body was destroyed, before he died, he uploaded his consciousness to the ASE. Adams then locked the doors in a room that Michael was in, activated the self-destruct sequence and sent waves of Drudge to kill Ford. After Michael killed all the incoming Drudge, the Conduits, his only way of escape, were deactivated. Prometheus suggested Michael should redirect power from other sources, namely the eight nearby capsules, which contained Scarabs in stasis. Everytime he obtained power from a capsule, a Scarab came out. After retrieving power from the capsules, Michael and Prometheus leave the Trust Base through a conduit they were able to restore power to, and end up on a Trust owned oil derrick. As ford awakens from unconsciousness after escaping the Trust base, he is ambushed by two Trust agents. After defeating them, Ford heads out to explore the oil derrick. As he makes his way through the complex, the complex and the surrounding area is being attacked by an ancient sea serpent called the Leviathan.


"My name is Michael Ford. I'm probably the only one left who knows the truth...I know it, because I was there."

"All right. I'll go with you for now, but if you're lying to me, I'll take you down hard. Do you understand me?"

"What the hell are they?"

"And what if they pinpoint MY location with a plasma rifle?"

[Upon seeing a Drudge Invader] "That's new..."

"You neglected to mention the giant alien standing on the bridge."

"Adams! What kind of game are you playing!?"

"You're next, Adams."

[Upon learning the truth about Prometheus] "I was wrong about you... I'm sorry."

[While Adams is asking if he thinks he can make a difference] "Sometimes one man is all it takes."

"You want me to walk around miles of hostile territory, poking around for a drudge nest?"


High Voltage Software claim that in the creation of Michael Ford they wanted to make him an 'everyman,' rather than an exaggerated 'macho' character as is the stereotype associated with shooting games (like Duke Nukem). He was designed to allow the player to relate to him, whilst still providing some mystery and character throughout the game's plot twists.

See also

